Father’s Day: Celebrating Differently
This Sunday, on Father's Day, many families will gather to celebrate Dad. If Dad has Alzheimer's disease or another form of dementia, the celebration may be different and full of complicated emotions. While Dad [View More]
Summer Travel Tips for People Living with Alzheimer’s Disease
For a person living with Alzheimer’s disease or another form of dementia, a “simple vacation” can be anything but “simple.” Whether a vacation is just on the other side of town or across the country, [View More]
Memory Cafés A Welcoming Environment for Caregivers and Individuals Living with Dementia
What Is a Memory Café? Originating in the Netherlands, Dutch psychiatrist Dr. Bere Miesen introduced a memory café in 1997 to break the stigma associated with dementia. A memory café is a meeting place [View More]
Asking for Help – Caregiver Strategies
Caring for a loved one or friend with a long-term health issue comes with a unique set of challenges. Caring for someone with Alzheimer’s disease or other dementia can be especially stressful and exhausting. [View More]
Caregivers Connect
As part of Alzheimer’s New Jersey’s well received caregiver and community education programming, we were pleased to host Caregivers Connect!, a special #GivingTuesday program to raise awareness about the impact of Alzheimer’s disease on [View More]
Interview with Steve Adubato
Listen to Steve Adubato interview Alzheimer's New Jersey CEO Ken Zaentz about the important of helping those coping with Alzheimer's in New Jersey.